Monday, December 31, 2012

New Day New You Devotional by Joyce Meyer!

Hello Bookworms!

                Many people like to start or end their day with a devotional. Since it is the beginning of a new year, some of you may be shopping for a new devotion book if you don’t have one already. Today I want to tell you about a New Day, New You: 366 Devotions for Enjoying Everyday Life by Joyce Meyer which I read during the course of 2012.

                New Day New You offers insights of how to better enjoy the day according to the word of God from renowned evangelist Joyce Meyer. The book is compiled of 366 Devotions written by Mrs. Meyer that contain a scripture and then an explanation of what that scripture means and how you can apply it to your daily life. Throughout the book, Joyce shares examples from her own life where God has shown her the truth about something that was stealing the joy in her life. Allow Joyce Meyer to share the insights that God has given her about enjoying life this year with New Day New You: 366 Devotions for Enjoying Everyday Life!

           Readers, this book was truly a blessing to me in 2012. The things that the author shares about the Word of God has helped me get into the right mindset each day and taught me new things I had never even realized about things that can steal your joy if you allow it! I give New Day New You: 366 Devotions for Enjoying Everyday Life 5 bookmarks and I HIGHLY recommend it for anyone looking for a devotional for 2013 to help them have more joy and peace throughout the day.

Links to buy New Day New You:


Already read New Day New You? Here are other devotionals by Joyce Meyer! :

Well Readers, I hope you all have a Happy New Year! See you in 2013!

Until next time,
               Lizzie <3

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A special gift! Interview with Author N.E. David!! :)

Hello Bookworms!
                In the spirit of giving, I have a special gift for all of you today! An Interview with N.E. David, Author of Carol’s Christmas!

1.        What inspired your story Carol’s Christmas?

“I usually write about things that have been in my head for a while and are crying to be let out. CAROL'S CHRISTMAS was different in that I had determined to write a Christmas story and then went in search of a plot.

About half a mile from my house there's a street just like the one in the book. Every year all the houses in the road are decorated from top to bottom with sets of exotic lights and people go up there to drive round and look at them. It's a great way of spending an hour one evening prior to Christmas Day. There are even charity boxes at the end of each driveway where you can make a donation (and a contribution toward the electricity bill!).

We also have a tradition over here (I don't know if it's the same in the States) that if you fail to take down any decorations before Twelfth Night, you have to leave them up all year (there's actually one in our house right now, hidden behind a plant in the front window). I've also heard about people who are so besotted with Christmas that their houses are decorated all year round.

With these things in my mind, I lay in the bath one day, closed my eyes to think, and that was the start of CAROL'S CHRISTMAS.”

2.        You could have picked anything for the characters to attempt bonding over. What drew you to choose ice skating?

“Do you know what? I have absolutely no idea! We have an ice rink in York every Christmas and I guess that must have been in my mind too. It used to be outside The Castle Museum and The Courthouse which is where I've described it in the book. This year it's outside a shopping mall out of town. Sad, but hey ho, everything changes.”

3.        You wrote Carol’s Christmas as a novella or an ‘entertainment’ meaning that it is readable in one sitting. Was it harder writing the story this way being that you are limited in how much you can say and may have to leave details on the “cutting room floor” so to speak?

“ No, far from it. CAROL'S CHRISTMAS was the first 'entertainment' I wrote so it defined the genre for me. I knew the plot from start to finish before I began writing and I simply got it down on paper. It's never been edited so there's nothing on the cutting room floor at all. You could argue that it could be trimmed here and there but once I'd finished it, I was happy with it at 20,000 words. I've since gone on to write two more which quite coincidentally have come out at exactly the same length so there must be something 'natural' about it for me.”

4.        This story was wonderful and it opened up tons of possibilities as to how Carol and her father’s lives might continue from here. Will readers be able to re-visit 26 Acacia Avenue someday in more published stories or will it be up to them to use their imaginations?

“I have to say I have no plans to write any more about Brian and Carol. Just as I needed 20,000 words to say what I wanted to say about them and nothing less would have done, now I have nothing more to say and I'm afraid the mind is empty on the subject, so readers will have to use their imaginations. That's not such a bad thing - and by the way, I've written plenty of other stuff they can read anyway.”

5.        Be honest, do any of the characters in Carol’s Christmas resemble anyone in your own life?

“Yes - and no. This question boils down to whether my writing is in any way autobiographical. I actually believe that everything we write is autobiographical in some way or another - it must be, since everything we write originates from inside ourselves and no matter how we dress it up, horror, sci-fi, romance etc. it's still a part of us. CAROL'S CHRISTMAS is no different - but the characters are not direct representations of any particular individuals. Anyone who reads it will probably recognise parts of themselves somewhere - there's as much of me in Brian as there is of any man, there's as much of my wife in Edna as there is of any woman and there's as much of my daughter in Carol as there is of any young lady her age. What I hope is that that this will enable readers to more readily identify with the characters and thereby engage them in the story.”


I hope you have enjoyed getting an inside look at the writing of Carol’s Christmas straight from the author. You will truly enjoy Carol’s Christmas and I hope you’ll not only read it for yourself but share it with your loved ones as well! I’d like to thank N.E. David for taking out so much time to work with See Lizzie Read on more than 1 occasion!


Pick up or download a copy of Carol’s Christmas today for yourself and a loved-one:


Follow N.E. David on his blog!

and on Twitter!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Book of the Week Carol's Christmas by N. E. David!

Hello Bookworms!
     Today I want to share See Lizzie Read's 3rd Christmas Book of the Week with you! Carol's Christmas  by N. E. David!

     I told you about this book last week in a review and if you've read it, you know I love it! I just recently finished reading it myself and I can say from experience that it is a wonderful book! It is only ten chapters long and is meant to be read in just one evening or during your travelling for Christmas. This heart-warming story of a young woman and her father who have never really had a chance to even get to know each other even though they lived in the same house for so many years will keep your attention and get you into the Christmas spirit!

Myself, reading Carol's Christmas :)

     So what are you waiting for? Buy your copy of Carol's Christmas today! and, Just in time for Christmas, Carol's Christmas has also been released as an eBook! (US) (UK)

For more about the author, Follow Mr. David on his blog!

and on Twitter!
My only mini recommendation this week is to follow the writing of Mr. N.E. David! I think he's an author well worth becoming a fan of!
Until Next Time,
     Lizzie <3

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Carol's Christmas by N. E. David

Hello Bookworms!,
         In the spirit of all things Christmas, I wanted to bring you a review of a wonderful Christmas novella called Carol's Christmas by Mr. N. E. David!


                Carol and her father have never had a close relationship….her mother wouldn’t allow it. Her mother wouldn’t allow anything but strict adherence to her own wants and orders. But now Carol’s mother has passed and in the aftermath of a difficult break-up, Carol has chosen to go home. But can Carol and her father learn to connect with each other after years of oppression from the matriarch of their little family? Or will this Christmas just be another disaster that Carol will come to regret? Find out in Carol’s Christmas by N.E. David!!


                This novella was absolutely precious! At just 10 chapters, it is the perfect thing to get you into the Christmas spirit on the plane, train, or automobile ride (as long as you’re not the one driving the automobile ;) ) home for Christmas. As I read ,I kept thinking, “This could easily be adapted into a movie”. It’s just that good.  I give Carol's Christmas 5 bookmarks and I just know that you will thoroughly enjoy reading this sweet novella from Mr. N.E. David! J Pick up your hard copy or (just in time for Christmas) download it to your Kindle A.S.A.P.! 
Want to buy Carol's Christmas?:

     I have some exciting things coming your way this month! There are still 2 more Christmas Books of the Week, so keep sending in your mini Recommendations! Also, I have gifts for the book lover in your family and a very special interview with one of the writers of one Christmas Book of the Week selection! Can't wait! ;)

Merry Christmas and Until Next Time,
                                      Lizzie <3

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Book of the Week! The Bridge by Karen Kingsbury!

Hello Bookworms!,
     It's time for another Christmas Book of the Week and this week's book is BRAND NEW! It has only been out a few weeks! This week's book is The Bridge by Karen Kingsbury and it's a must read!
“Molly Allen lives alone in Portland, but her heart is back in Franklin, Tennessee, where five years ago she walked away from a man she cannot forget, a rare sort of love she hasn’t found since.

          Ryan Kelly lives in Franklin and spends of time at The Bridge—The oldest bookstore in historic downtown Franklin—remembering the long hours he and Molly once spent there.

          Now Ryan and Molly’s favorite bookstore is in trouble. For thirty years, Charlie and Donna Barton have run The Bridge, providing the people of middle Tennessee with coffee, conversation, and shelves of good books—even through dismal book sales and the rise of eBooks. Then, in May, a flood tore through Franklin and destroyed nearly every book in the store. By Christmastime, the bank threatens to pull the lease on The Bridge and is about to take the Barton’s house as well. Despondent, Charlie considers ending his life. And in the face of tragedy miracles begin to unfold.”[1]

          Karen Kingsbury is a best-selling author who has written many novels already including Like Dandelion Dust which was turned into a major motion picture. Her latest book, “The Bridge”, is sure to be a favorite this Christmas season! How can you go wrong with a book about love, a bookstore, and the miracles of God? That is why I choose The Bridge by Karen Kingsbury as this week’s book of the week! Get a copy for yourself and pick one up as a gift for a loved one this season!

To buy The Bridge:

[1] Summary from

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Book of the Week! A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs!

Hello Bookworms!
     Its here! The first featured Christmas Book of the Week! This week's book comes from an author that I have featured many times. Every book that I have read by her has been an instant classic in my home and they remain on my bookshelves like trophies! This week's book is A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs!!!

“A wonderful story of redemption and restoration that will warm your heart during the Christmas season—or any time of year”
              - -Francine Rivers, best-selling author of  “Redeeming Love”.

“Christmas Eve 1894”

          “All Margaret Campbell wants for Christmas is a safe journey home. When her plans for a festive holiday with her family in Stirling crumble beneath the weight of her brother’s bitterness, the young schoolteacher wants nothing more than to return to the students she loves and the town house she calls home.
          Then an unexpected detour places her in the path of Gordon Shaw, a handsome newspaperman from Glasgow, who struggles under a burden of remorse and shame. When the secret of their shared history is revealed, will it leave them tangled in a knot of regret? Or might their past hold the threads that will bind their future together?
          As warm as a woolen scarf on a cold winter’s eve, “A Wreath of Snow” is a tender story of love and forgiveness, wrapped in a celebration of all things Scottish, all things Victorian, and of especially all things Christmas.”


“A Wreath of Snow” was released in hardback October 2nd, 2012. I have reviewed several of Mrs. Higgs’ books here on See Lizzie Read, such as Thorn in My Heart, Fairer is the Rose, Whence Came a Prince, Grace in Thine Eyes, and Here Burns My Candle, and, as you’ve read, I am a huge fan of her writing! It is because of my great respect and enjoyment of her writing that I have chosen “A Wreath of Snow” as this week’s book of the week! I am sure that this book will make a wonderful gift for a loved one, or a wonderful book to read all curled up with a nice cup of tea, cocoa, or coffee this winter! Get into the Christmas spirit with “A Wreath of Snow” by Liz Curtis Higgs!!


To buy “A Wreath of Snow”: (This resource gives you links to buy from 3 different distributors right on her page!):

Mini Recommendations:

KIDS BOOK: The Charlie Brown Christmas by Charles Schultz “Linus’s soliloquy on the true meaning of Christmas is wonderful” Mini Recommendation submitted by Teresa Gaskins

To buy:

ADULT BOOK: The Gift of the Magi by “It goes beyond the common typical Christmas desires of what you can give me and really turns the table towards what am I willing to sacrifice to give someone I care about just one thing for Christmas.” Mini Recommendations by Teresa Gaskins
To buy:

Friday, November 23, 2012

Coming Soon! Christmas Book of the Week!

Hello Bookworms!,
          Starting this coming week, I will be posting a Christmas book of the week each week leading up to Christmas! There are so many Christmas books out there that deserve to be highlighted, but since we can't do them all we'll do as many as we can!

Each post will include a description of the book, the reasons why I recommend it, links to buy the book and mini recommendations of other Christmas books (Which will be determined based on what books See Lizzie Read's readers want to share with everyone so get your suggestions in early!)

Are there any Christmas books that you would love for See Lizzie Read to do mini recommendations for during Christmas Book of the Week? Your mini recommendation may be featured in the Christmas Book of the Week and credit will be given to you in the post for bringing the book to See Lizzie Read! Please let me know! How? Use one of these 4 ways!

1. Twitter: @LovelyLizzie10 .  @mention me with the title, Author, and #iRecommend

2. E-Mail: Email me the title, author, with the subject "iRecommend"

3. Facebook: go to and tell me the title and author!

4. Comment: Leave a comment here or on any of the Christmas Books of the Week with the title and author of the book!

Note that I reserve the right to and will research each book before I use it and any inappropriate or offensive books will not be included in the posts.

Look forward to helping spread our favorite Christmas stories together!!!,
      Lizzie <3

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving books for Children!

Hello Bookworms!!,
        Its Thanksgiving Eve and while you're preparing a huge meal, the kids will need something to entertain them! How about some precious Thanksgiving/Harvest stories especially for kids?

The Pumpkin Patch Parable - Liz Curtis Higgs

       This charming story for children illustrates how a loving farmer can turn a simple pumpkin into a simply glorious sight. In the same way, God's transforming love can fill each of our hearts with joy and light. Liz Curtis Higgs created this parable as a way to share the Good News with her own precious children each harvest season . . . and now with children everywhere.

      Liz Curtis Higgs is a God-gifted author and I have reviewed several of her books here on See Lizzie Read. I am sure that this book will entertain your children and become an instant classic in your home!

One Is A Feast for Mouse: A Thanksgiving Tale - Judy Cox

     The Thanksgiving feast is over. Mouse spots one pea, which is quite enough for one mouse, but he keeps adding other tidbits. Then Cat sees him, in a story about giving thanks for the little things.

     Children love stories with adorable animal characters. This story about a mouse who wants to feast for thanksgiving is sure to entertain your children and make them laugh.

Arthur's Thanksgiving (Arthur Adventure Series)

     Arthur has been picked to direct his school's Thanksgiving play-and cast the roles. But all his friends want to be star, and no one wants to play the Turkey! What will Arthur do?

     Arthur is a beloved character that I grew up with as a child. I loved Arthur and would watch the cartoon all the time! Introduce the next generation to this wonderful character with Arthur's Thanksgiving!

The Berenstain Bears and the Prize Pumpkin
     The Bear family hopes to win the blue ribbon for their entry in the pumpkin contest during the annual Bear Country Thanksgiving Festival, but the lesson they gain is much more important: a new appreciation of the true spirit of the holiday and all they have to be thankful for.

     As a child my parents would always give me Berenstain Bears books and movies and I absolutely loved them! The colorful stories coupled with the values that they can teach your children make "The Berenstain Bears and the Prize Pumpkin" or any other Berenstain Bears book well worth your time and money!

There you have it! Four books for thanksgiving that are sure to charm your children and remind everyone that there's more to Thanksgiving than the food!

Are there any books that you share with your children on Thanksgiving that you woul love for others to know about? Leave a comment! :)

Until Next Time and Happy Thanksgiving!,
                                                                  Lizzie <3

Monday, November 5, 2012

Join See Lizzie Read on Facebook!

Hello Readers!,
       I am happy to annouce that See Lizzie Read is now on Facebook! Get all the links to See Lizzie Read's reviews, interviews, and news straight to your newsfeed! Just click here and then click "like":

Once you join recommend See Lizzie Read's page to your friends!

Can't wait to interact with you all!,
          Lizzie <3

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

See Lizzie Read's 5 Minute High Five with N.E.David Pt. 1

Hello Readers!!,
        I have an exciting new post for you today! An Interview with Author N.E. David, author of such novellas as Feria, Carol's Christmas, and A Day at the Races!
     You may have noticed that the title says "5 Minute High Five". This is because the format for interviews has changed! From now on (unless special circumstances dictate otherwise) I will ask authors 5 questions that should only take readers 5 minutes to read! :) You may also have noticed that it says "Part 1". That is because Mr. David has agreed to do 2 interviews for See Lizzie Read! In part 1, I asked Mr. David about himself, his blog, his writing career, and more so that you could get to know him! Here's what he said:

1. You started writing at 21, but changed to financial services as a career for many years. What made you decide to return to writing?

     A. Yes, I did start writing at 21 but it was never a career choice at that time. And the truth is, I made a complete hash of it first time round and made some fundamental mistakes - which I intend not to repeat now. So I took a step back and then the need to earn a living got in the way and it was another 33 years before I got back to it. But it was the desire to pick up where I'd left off that got me going again - and I knew it was time to pack up Financial Services when I found the most interesting thing in Money Marketing was the Sudoku.

2.You have a blog on your website devoted to your journey to becoming a recognised author. What do you hope readers will learn/glean from your blog?

     A. The idea that readers of my blog should learn/glean anything from it has never occurred to me - I have no desire to 'teach' anyone anything - and I suppose I must apply the same philosophy as I do about my other writing. My main concern is to entertain and I have no personal or political message to convey. My readers must take what they will from my blog as they do from my books, be that inspiration or, sometimes, disgust or depression. I have no desire to change their view of the world, only to help them see it.

3. Your novellas cover a wide range of subjects. Where do you find inspiration for your stories?
     A. Mostly by observing what goes on around me - there's so much to tell! I went to a Writers Group meeting recently and sat next to a very pleasant lady who said she was determined to be a writer but didn't know what to write about. I don't think I could be a writer if I didn't have something I deperately wanted to say. Sometimes I burst with ideas and I can't wait to get them down on paper. I do have an 'ideas' file with odd things in it eg. a newspaper article about a WWII soldier's bag found preserved in the desert with a letter in it; an Order of Service for a funeral; a photograph of two people walking along the promenade in 1950's Weston-Super-Mare. My great regret is that I will never have the time to write all their stories.

4. Where do you hope to see yourself in the next few years in respect to your writing career?
     A. The short answer to that is - published. The long answer involves being able to set down the eight novel length pieces I have in my head while I still have time. Four of these are written in some form or another and I hope to have the first of these available next year. I'm currently working on the second. The novellas are a bit of fun and not to be taken too seriously - starters if you like while the main course is yet to come.

5. What advice would you give to a young writer on how to start their own writing career?

     A. It would be presumptious of me to give anyone advice. All I can tell you is that you will know inside yourself whether you want to write or not and if so, you should do it. If you're young and starting out, think carefully about genre. I think there are some genres you can write for at an early age. I personally found it impossible to write literary fiction at 21 because I hadn't done enough, hadn't read enough and hadn't practised writing enough. Here I am all those years later and it's still difficult. Now we're back to question one!

     There you have it readers! An inside look at the mind of Mr. N.E. David! I'm willing to bet that now you're wondering about part 2. Well, In Part 2 I am going to talk with Mr. David about one of his holiday novellas, Carol's Christmas. With Christmas on its way in just about 6 weeks, you may want to purchase this book, or any of Mr. David's other novellas, for your loved ones as gifts, or just as an early present to yourself! Either way, you're sure to love them!

A special thanks to Mr. N.E. David for taking time out of his busy schedule to do an interview!

Until Next time,
               Lizzie <3

To buy N.E. David's books:

Follow Mr. David on Twitter!:

Or visit his website and follow his blog!:

**See Lizzie Read is now on FACEBOOK! Have a look at the new page devoted to the blog at !**

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Champion by Carla Capshaw!

Hello Bookworms!

     I have finished a wonderful book and I just had to share it with you all!! It’s called The Champion and it is written by Carla Capshaw. This particular book is set in ancient Rome and it is one of three of Mrs. Chapshaw’s books that are set in that time period. But don’t panic, they are three separate stories not three parts of one story. J

TIberia the younger, or Tibi, is the second daughter of Tiberius. Tiberius wanted a son and He didn’t get one. As a result, it seems that Tibi cannot earn anything but her father’s scorn. Now that Tibi is older, it is time for her to be married. Marriage is, supposedly, one of the few things that Tibi could do to “be of use” to her family. However, after four failed engagements, Tibi’s father has lost his patience with her and has decided to make her become a priestess in the temple so that she can “be of some use” to the family. Tibi would rather risk death than to become a temple priestess to a false “goddess” that she has never really believed in….so she does. Tibi makes a run for it earning herself death threats from her father. Tibi knows her father’s temper and that he really might go through with it. Tibi needs a champion. Desperate, Tibi turns to the only person who might shelter her until her christian cousins are in town…Alexius, champion gladiator of Rome. Can a frightened girl from a violent home trust a man known for killing and maiming others in the Coliseum? What happens next is more than Tibi bargained for and more than she had ever dreamed possible. 

            Readers this book is amazing!!! You will NOT be sorry you read it!! This is the first Carla Capshaw book I have ever read and I have been instantly transformed into a Carla Capshaw Fan!! Mrs. Capshaw’s fast paced plot line and colorful characters will keep your eyes glued to the page and your mind racing! And not only is Mrs. Capshaw a master at love stories, but at suspense also! I can confess that I would read 100 pages at a time and not even realize how much time had passed because I was so engrossed in what was happening in the book! I stayed on the edge of my seat! I give The Champion 5 bookmarks and strongly recommend it to all looking for a good, old fashioned love story that will keep you guessing! The Champion by Carla Capshaw is without a doubt, one of the best new romantic stories released in any genre!

To buy "The Champion" by Carla Capshaw:


Carla Capshaw LOVES to hear from her readers! Readers are encouraged to go to or write to her at

Other Books By Carla Capshaw:

Until next time,
                    Lizzie <3

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell

Hello bookworms!,
            I have a new book review for you today! I recently read Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell and I wanted to share it with you all!

       Cranford is a town run by "amazons". There are hardly any men in the town and the women like it that way. But how can a town survive with only women in it during a time when men own and run everything and marriage is the primary means of stability for women? Well the women of Cranford have figured it out. As in all small towns, everyone knows everyone's business. So what do a death, a mysterious conjorur (Signor Brunoni), and a missing brother have to do with the ever proper, yet sometimes odd, ladies of Cranford? Find out by reading Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell!

    I truly enjoyed Cranford. I originally became interested by watching the Cranford series with Dame Judi Dench in it on PBS. After finding out that Cranford was in fact a book, I wanted to read it. So, the first opportunity I had to buy a copy, I did.
    The story is really good. It is told from the point of view of a frequent visitor to Cranford as if she were retelling the events to another person. The narrator relates one tale of the ladies of Cranford after another in chronoligical order. While a story about the day to day life of one group of people can be a touch boring at times, the major events, which are many and fairly close together, are really very interesting and funny. The final few surprises will shock you and warm your heart. While Mrs. Gaskell's writing isn't as spell-binding as Jane Austen or Daphne Du Maurier, Cranford is a great book for a rainy day. I personally give it 4 bookmarks and recommend it as a read.

To buy Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell:


To Purchase Cranford on DVD:
*The DVD is actually a compilation of more than one of Mrs. Gaskell's novels. It features a wonderful cast who play the characters exactly as you picture them in the novel! It's truly wonderful! I greatly recommend it!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to Choose a Good Book!

Hello Bookworms,
            My mother and I go to bookstores together a lot. She's the one who taught me to love reading and now we share this hobby together by going to bookstores together and recommending books to each other. When she and I begin to look through the shelves, it doesn't matter how big the store, within a few minutes I've already found at least one book I want to purchase and read and my mother can't figure out how I manage to do it.
           Once, We were at a used bookstore together and when she realized I had three books already, my mother asked "How do you find books so easily?!" I had never really thought about it before. Since then, I have examined the book-finding process and found a few easy things that can help anyone find a good book easily.

1. Brainstorm a Little:
              Walking into a bookstore and seeing all the thousands of books on thousands of subjects can be intimidating if you don't have any idea what you want to look for. When you're feeling overwhelmed, try taking a moment to brainstorm. Start a mental list of subjects you like whether it be horse back riding, princes and princesses, sports, cars,  and etc. This will help you to decide what the content should be about.

Other things to think about when brainstorming may be:
            Do you like fiction or nonfiction?
            Do you like modern day settings or settings from the past?
            Do you like love stories, horror stories, mysteries, or etc.?

This will help you find out what type of storyline/plot in which you would be most interested.

For Example:
        I know that I like love stories set in the past, usually around the 1800's. I also know that I am NOT interested in sports stories or horror stories. So, when looking, I already know that I will pass up the sports and horror stories and even love stories that are set in modern times. By doing this I've already narrowed the choices down a lot to help me select a book.

2.Pay attention to cover art!
       Cover art will help you in selecting a book. The art is made to illustrate something about the main points of the book. For Example:

This cover of the Gossip Girl Novel "I Like it Like That" shows me that the story is most likely set in modern times. I can tell that from the style of dress, the activities that the girl's are engaging in, and the style of the room/sink that is visible in the picture. Since I am looking for a love story set in the 1800's or so, I'm probably going to put this book down without even reading the summary on the back cover.

On the other hand, If I did not know anything about Jane Austen or Pride and Prejudice, I could tell by this cover art that there is most definitely a love story. Not only that, but I can tell by the style of dress that this particular love story is set in the past. I will most likely want to stop and take the time to read the summary on the back of this book to see if it interests me further.
3. Read the Summaries on the Back:
        Just because the book has cover art that catches your eye doesn't mean you're going to like the book at all. Make sure that once you've picked up the book that looks like it fits your criteria, you read the summary that's printed on the back cover (or on the inside front cover for some). This will tell you more about the book. You may find that the book you're interested in is actually the second or third book in a series. If that's the case, you may want to look for the first book instead to keep from being lost or ruining surprises from the first book. Also, you may realize that the book isn't as interesting as the cover made it seem because there's no hint of any major event(s), conflict(s), or suspense to come. In that case, you may decide you don't want that particular book after all. However, if you're still interested after reading the summary, it's a good indicator that you'll like the book and you may want to give that one a try.
4. Trust Yourself!
         We love our friends and family, but we do not always love the same things they do. I cannot tell you how many times some one has come to me, handed me a book, and said "I think you would really love this book. It's so great." and when I took it home and  attempted to read it, I couldn't stand it! You know you and what you like and don't like! Others can help you by recommending books, but if you know for a fact that you cannot stand the subject matter of the book they are suggesting, then don't go out and buy your own copy of it. :)
       These are just a few simple tips to help keep you from spending cash for books that you can't stand after the first few pages. Using these tips will certainly not keep you from reading a boring or annoying book, but it will help you read much less of them saving you time and money that you can use on books you'll really enjoy! :)
                                      Until next time,
                                                   Lizzie <3

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Reading: A Cheap Hobby!

Hello Bookworms!,
            With unemployment on the rise and the economy the way it is, many people are searching for cheaper entertainment. Good news! Reading can actually be cheap entertainment!

             Obviously you're thinking, "Reading isn't cheap! Have you seen the cost of new books lately?? $25.00 for a new book!!" Well, I have seen the price of books and I'm here to show you that there are ways to read as many books as you want without destroying your budget.

1. Shop used books:
    There are many shops that sell used books. Thrift stores, Goodwill, there are even whole stores dedicated just for used books. Peruse the shelves and see what's there. You'll be amazed. I've found M.C. Beaton books for $7.50, hardback.
    Used bookstores are even better than bookstore chains in some ways because many of them contain little treasures like out-of-print books.

2. Go to your local library:
    Libraries are a great resource for cheap books. First of all, a library card usually costs a low annual fee. So for a few dollars once a year, you have unlimited access to all their books for the year. OR if your library doesn't require a card for you to come in and browse you can sit and read a book right there for no charge.
      Another way to get cheap books at the library is to attend library book sales. I recently went to one myself. There were 4 long tables crammed full of books! Everything from Nicholas Sparks novels to John Grisham Novels to the Twilight series. Nearly all of the books were in fantastic condition and the more books you picked up the bigger the discount! I bought several books for less than $10 dollars!

3. Shop the discount aisles at major chains:
    Don't be fooled into thinking that because the book is on the bargain shelf means the book isn't good. Quite the opposite is true. Since chain bookstores are always getting new shipments of books, books that are there for very long will be discounted and moved to the bargain shelf. For example, I recently bought a Karen Kingsbury novel Like Dandelion Dust and several of the major classics such as Emma and Persuasion by Jane Austen and Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell. At that's just the tip of the iceburg. You can find all genres of books on these aisles and usually they are well organized.

4. Book-Swaps:
    You've probably heard of doubling your wardrobe by having clothing swaps with your friends. Well, to double your library of books have book swaps with them too! gather your friends and tell them to bring books that they've already read and want to exchange for another book they want to read. This swap is better than swapping clothes anyway because you'll never have to worry if a book is "in your size". ;)
    Don't want to swap your books? Then try having the loaning system. You can borrow a book from a friend, read it, and give it back to them and vice versa. Not only will it give you access to more books for free, it will open up more topics of conversation between you and your friends because you can discuss the books amongst yourselves.

swapping books is a growing trend with swapping parties, large organized swapping events, and even online swapping sites.

      See? Reading really can be one of the cheapest hobbies around. Reading will allow you to travel to worlds you've never imagined and learn about subjects you never knew existed without ever paying airfare or tuition costs! And by using these simple techniques, you'll be able to read to your heart's content without breaking the bank!

Until next time!,

         Lizzie <3