Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Summer Pick 2012!! In the Shadow of the Sun King-Golden Keyes Parsons

Hello Bookworms!
       I have a Summer Pick for you! Recently I read the book "In the Shadow of the Sun King" by Golden Keyes Parsons. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted to share it with you here on See Lizzie Read!!

       In France, during the reign of the Sun King, the Hugenots are being persecuted. Thanks to Madeleine Clavell's connection with the king, her family has been left far. When Dragoons show up to ransack her home searching for her sons to take them by force and be given a Catholic education, Madeliene knows something is wrong. Has the king turned against her family? Does he now see them as a threat too? In an effort to save her family and home, Madeliene decides to travel to Versailles to see the king in person. She does not know what awaits her when she gets there, nor if her family will be safe while she is gone, but she must try.

    I am a historical fiction lover and I must admit that this book is a beautiful portrayal of what it must have been like to be a Hugenot during their persecution. Golden Keyes Parsons inspiration for this story was actually an old record of the Clavell family that she found. This story filled with love, fear, and close relationship with the Lord, will keep you glued to your seat and your eyes glued to the page until you've finished. The story moves at a fast pace and there is an abundance of thrilling events all happening one right after another. You'll cry, laugh, and cheer as you read "In the Shadow of the Sun King". This is one of my summer picks for 2012 and I definitely give this one 5 bookmarks!

*This is the first book in a short series. I have not yet found the others but I will post as soon as I discover a book store that carries them, If you read "In the Shadow of the Sun King" you, like myself, will be dying to get your hands on the next one!

                  Until Next Time!
                                Lizzie <3

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