Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer!



Hello bookworms!,

        I usually do this sooner in the year, around January. However, it is better late than never. If you are still looking for a devotional book to use for this year, or you're already thinking about what to use next year, why not consider The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer! Here's Why:



        Are you struggling with confidence in any area of your life? Have you been searching for answers  or need a little pick-me-up to help you get through the day? Then the Confident Woman devotional is for you! If there is an area in your life that you struggle with having confidence take just five to ten minutes each morning to read the scripture, explanation, and prayer provided by renowned evangelist Joyce Meyer. Apply the principles and lessons to your life and watch your fears, guilt, and low-self esteem melt away and be replaced with a confidence that will bring more peace  and joy to every area of your life!


        This is the second devotional that I have read by Joyce Meyer and they have both enriched my daily life and relationship with God. It helps my day to go better when I focus on the word first thing in the morning, and this devotional provided me a wonderful, easy way to do it. Not to mention that it helped me change my negative thought patterns to develop more confidence in my life that allowed my anxiety level to drop. The scripture and study each day helped me understand the Word of God and how it applies to my life and my confidence issues. The prayers with each one provided examples about how to pray over my issues. I hope that if you are struggling with your confidence that you will give this devotional a try. I think it will really be a help to you.


Buy The Confident Woman Devotional Here!
Until next time,

        Lizzie <3

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