Thursday, February 5, 2015

International Book Giving Day!!

Hello Bookworms!!,
            Every February, we all race to the stores to buy good gifts for our sweethearts! Candy, Cards, and Roses oh my! But there is another holiday on February 14th! International Book Giving Day!!

            On International Book Giving Day, the goal is to spread the love of reading to children  by doing something to put books in children's hands! Donate to a local book drive or library! Give books to an after school program or doctor's office! Have children of your own, little brothers and sisters or nieces and nephews? Give them a book with their candy on Valentine's Day!

            Don't have a child but do have a sweetheart? A book is still a great gift! Give your girlfriend a love story with the flowers that will entertain her for hours! Ladies, give your guy a book he'll enjoy with a red cover to fit the Valentine's theme (like Eldest from the Eregon series or A good James Patterson mystery with a red cover!)!

Remember FEBRUARY 14TH IS INTERNATIONAL BOOK GIVING DAY!!! Help spread the love of reading to a new generation!!

What to know more about the organization working to help kids learn to love to read each year? Click HERE! or Follow them on Twitter: @giveabook and take a look at the hashtag #giveabook!!

Until next time!!,
                 Lizzie <3

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