Friday, November 23, 2012

Coming Soon! Christmas Book of the Week!

Hello Bookworms!,
          Starting this coming week, I will be posting a Christmas book of the week each week leading up to Christmas! There are so many Christmas books out there that deserve to be highlighted, but since we can't do them all we'll do as many as we can!

Each post will include a description of the book, the reasons why I recommend it, links to buy the book and mini recommendations of other Christmas books (Which will be determined based on what books See Lizzie Read's readers want to share with everyone so get your suggestions in early!)

Are there any Christmas books that you would love for See Lizzie Read to do mini recommendations for during Christmas Book of the Week? Your mini recommendation may be featured in the Christmas Book of the Week and credit will be given to you in the post for bringing the book to See Lizzie Read! Please let me know! How? Use one of these 4 ways!

1. Twitter: @LovelyLizzie10 .  @mention me with the title, Author, and #iRecommend

2. E-Mail: Email me the title, author, with the subject "iRecommend"

3. Facebook: go to and tell me the title and author!

4. Comment: Leave a comment here or on any of the Christmas Books of the Week with the title and author of the book!

Note that I reserve the right to and will research each book before I use it and any inappropriate or offensive books will not be included in the posts.

Look forward to helping spread our favorite Christmas stories together!!!,
      Lizzie <3

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